Short Bios Writing ServicesOLD4


Welcome to ShortBios, celebrating more than a decade of service online.  Our team of experienced biographers, headed by brothers Steve Berent and Irwin Berent, has written thousands of short bios, profiles and descriptions for delighted customers throughout the U.S. and beyond.  Whether you’re a Realtor or executive, entrepreneur or artist, soldier or professor — whoever you are — we create the perfect bio for your specific needs — for a job, publicity, promotion, websites, blogs …anything! 


We Write…
Half-Page Bios, One-Page Bios & More

“Elevator Bio” (about 1/4 page) just $29.
Half Page (up to about 3/4 page) just $49.
Any size larger bios (from 1 page to 1000 pages)
     – call me (757/515-4315) for immediate quote.
Talk to the writer any time.
Completed as quickly as you need it — usually within 24 hours.
We get your info via phone interview or email.
Any photos or logo at no additional cost.
Payment can later be made via phone, online form, or PayPal.
Bio is emailed to you as Word & PDF.
Revisions at no additional cost.
Other Services also available – Editing, Business Plans, Resumes, Special Occasion Booklets, and more.


✩ Examples of our One-Page Bio, with & without extra features*   (See also examples from our Gallery of ShortBios.)
     * Extra features, such as photographs, fancy fonts, background color, and/or logos, may be added at no additional cost.


The following “One Page” bio actually has a little more than one page of text — and with several photographs, it expands to 3 pages (adding photos is free of charge).:


✩ Example of our Two-Page Bio   (See also examples from our Gallery of ShortBios.)


✩ Example of our Three-Page Bio, with extra features*   (See also examples from our Gallery of ShortBios.)
     * Extra features, such as photographs, fancy fonts, background color, and/or logos, may be added at no additional cost.

The following bio is used by Keith Trowbridge, the “Father of Timeshares in America,” on his LinkedIn Profile page:


See also examples of our Longer Bios.


To talk to a Bio Specialist, call 757/515-4315
or use the Contact Form below.


Instantly contact us for an immediate personal response from our Bio Specialist.


Your Contact Information

Please let us know how we can get back to you. We will never share this information with anyone.

If you have an old bio or resume that could be useful....

Feel free to upload file(s) from your computer:

Click "Add Files" to search for file in your computer.



To talk to a Bio Specialist right now about your bio
or to request us to write your bio…

call us toll-free (757/515-4315)
or use the Contact Form.



We Write Your Bio, short or long,
and short biography writing
is our specialty!
(also books on any subject)

Do you need a short bio (or large bio), written quickly and professionally? Perhaps you’re a musician needing a great profile to get more gigs? Or you’re a manager of a company that needs short bios of its board of directors? Or you’re someone who just wants to toot his or her horn and tell the world “I’m Here!” …Well, you’ve come to the right place.

People often come to the “Godfather of the short bio” (that’s Steve Berent, our chief, the main editor) and say, “I need you to write my bio or profile, but I’ve got a bunch of information about myself, and I don’t know where to start.” And then they say…

Write My Biography — Please! …and FAST!

First, we get the information the client wants us to have and that we need in order to make a great bio (we usually set up an interview over the phone). And then we cull it down to the most precise and effective wording to make the client and their project, business, or talent stand out, without being cluttered with extraneous facts.

So, we write your bio, we write your profile, we write your autobiography, we write your book, we write your about page…we write whatever you need! We are your bio writers!

Writing a biography — writing your biography — has never been easier…with ShortBios Biography Writing Service!

“Short and to the point” is the rule we use for making your short biography dazzling. That prescription may seem simple…because it is simple: clear, concise, plain language, presented in a compelling way that promotes what you want to promote to the people whom you need to impress.

Actually, writing a biography, writing a short bio, is not quite that simple. And that’s why we’re here: to get your short bio (or long bio) written quickly … and professionally.

All you need to do is check out our great styles and low prices (see above), and then just call us…any time…at 757/515-4315 or use our “Contact Us” Form. Once you start, we do the rest…

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We don’t quit until you’re 100% happy!