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ShortBios Writing Specialty: Author Bios
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AuthorBios is the premier writing service on the Internet devoted exclusively to writing short bios for authors and the publishing industry.
e write author bios – short bios for authors of books, ebooks, print on demand books, and publish on demand books, and any other published or self-published work as well as for the publishing industry.
So often at ShortBios we have people coming to us who have just completed writing a book but who don’t know enough about marketing books to be able to produce an author bio/profile of themselves that is appropriate for the book they’ve written. Or they simply have difficulty writing about themselves.
Our team of biographers is well-versed in the art and science of book marketing, be it for fiction or non-fiction, self-published or mainstream, printed by CreateSpace or LightningSource, and so on. So we know what an excellent author bio needs and how to write it as well as to numerous other kinds of marketing/promotional tools for authors.
he writer of a book or any other kind of writing needs to have people know about him or her. Readers need to know about the author. The author’s bio heavily influences the potential reader’s decision of whether or not to read your book, or to believe your research, or to feel that your writing is worth their time to read. Potential publishers also need to feel confident that the person whose book they publish is competent enough to write the book being proposed. And website owners and blog writers need to know that their guest blogger or other written source is legitimate and capable.
For all these reasons and purposes, and more, the author bio is a necessity, and it needs to be written properly. And the bio will appear not just inside books and book jackets but also on most promotional material. It may also be used on the author’s websites and bookstore websites, and it may be used for introductions for speeches and other presentations.
Get your author bio written today.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.
the Short Author Bio
t AuthorBios, the first step to writing your short author bio is to gather the biographical information needed for a high-quality bio. Sometimes all that’s needed is an email from the author, roughly outlining his/her background. If the author has written other books
in the past, those books will be listed. Personal biographical information, and perhaps a resume of other work, is often also useful.
Ultimately, we get the personal and professional information we need to write your bio. If necessary, we sometimes briefly interview the author over the phone. Once we’ve written a draft of your bio, we promptly email it to you to get any input from you — perhaps you remembered something you want added to the bio, or you notice an error on our part (Ok, yes, it does happen on occasion).
The final draft is a bio of which you can be proud, and out of which you’ll get much use. (See some of the rave endorsements of our author bios from the actual clients.)
An author’s great writing deserves a great, professional bio. Get your author biography written today by the pros at AuthorBios.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.
he short bios we write at AuthorBios are all always custom-designed. No templates are ever used. Your bio will be 100% unique, 100% you. We write author biographies, profiles, and blurbs that resonate with readers and make them want to read your book or other writing.
Let us create an author bio written specially for your book or other writing projects.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.