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ShortBios Writing Specialty: Official Bios
See also: Short Bio Services | Executive Writing Projects | Life Story BioBooklets | Ordering | About Us

OfficialBios is the premier writing service on the Internet devoted exclusively to writing short bios for political and government officials and other civil servants as well as politicians running for public office.
e write official bios / official biographies / official profiles – short bios for political and government officials and other civil servants as well as politicians running for public office.
Our short political/government/official bios are for anyone in local, state or federal government or running for public office or otherwise representing an agency or office of government. They are the trusted representation of who you are, written by the most trusted experts in biography writing.
The writers in the OfficialBios division of ShortBios are privileged to provide the very tool that presents the truest picture of the people of government. It is our honor to write the concise summary of the individuals who comprise the public servants who govern the people of America.
ew professions have as great a need for short, concise, honest bios than the profession of the civil servant. The short bio of a government official is likely to appear in a myriad of documents, such is the never-ending requirement and need for information about those who govern.
The way of determining the competency of an individual for public office and that person’s qualifications and capacities for administering or leading a government program, department, or agency is largely represented by his or her bio. The short bio of the government official is the first key representation of who that person is. It humanizes the official. It gives confidence in his/her ability to lead or manage. It is indeed one of the most important documents that a government official provides for his/her constituency.
Get your civil servant/public official bio written today.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.
the Short Official Bio
he bios written at OfficialBios are based on the information that the public servant/government official provides the writer about his life, experience, and, to some degree, personality. Once the appropriate background information is collected, it is compiled into a document typically of between one-half and two pages in length.
When the draft is completed, the individual who’s the subject of the document is sent a copy, which he/she can then evaluate and decide whether any changes or additions are needed. If any changes, corrections, or additions are needed, the document is re-written accordingly, in a prompt and precise manner and once again sent back for evaluation.
The process is typically quite speedy and efficient and never takes more than a few days to complete a version of the short bio that is completely accurate and approved to the liking of the subject of the bio. (The comments of clients in other divisions of ShortBios indicate how pleased they are with the short bios we write; see some of our customer endorsements.)
Have your official bio written by the expert biographers of OfficialBios.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.
ll the official bios we write for government officials and administrators, public servants, and other officers of local, state and federal government are unique documents.
They are not composed using generic templates but rather are based solely on the information provided and acquired about the particular subject of the bio. The integrity of OfficialBios is maintained by the accuracy and truthfulness of each and every bio written by all the writers in every division of ShortBios, incuding especially OfficialBios. Each and every bio is custom-made, reflecting its subject’s unique life story, career history, and personality.
Let us compile an official bio written specially for you.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.