Specialties: Professional Bios

write short bio / Short Biographies biography writing / biography editing services presents...ShortBios

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ShortBios Writing Specialty: Professional Bios

See also: Short Bio Services | Executive Writing Projects | Life Story BioBooklets | Ordering | About Us


We Write Professional Bios
for Business Executives and
Other Professionals and Entrepreneurs


ProfessionalBios is the premier writing service on the Internet devoted exclusively to writing short bios for business executives and other professionals and entrepreneurs.

e write professional bios / executive bios – short bios for professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs of all sorts, including doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers,image of star professional in the spotlight insurance agents, consultants, business owners, CEOs, and board members, in marketing, public relations, public service, and just about any other field of professional endeavor. Our short professional/business bios are for anyone who sells a product or service in any profession.

At ShortBios the ProfessionalBios division is one of the busiest segments of our business. And the biography writers are experts in the ins and outs of business as it relates to creating effective, clear, concise, and accurate short bios for executives of every sort.

Why Executives/Owners/Managers and Others in Business Need Short Bios/Profiles for their Career

our business needs a short bio — you need a short bio — because your business is a manifestation of your blood, sweat and tears, and you are the face of your business. A short bio tells the world why your business is important, why it deserves the patronage of buyers. Andimage of star professional in the spotlight the short bio tells the world who you are, really are, through the experience and expertise you bring to your craft and your endeavors. The short bio shows potential buyers who you are as a person, your personality, your goals, your achievements.
    The short bio directs the potential buyer/user to the heart and soul of your business, what makes it ultimately tick.
    Your short bio becomes a document that can and should go almost anywhere and everywhere, plastered on your webpages and just about everywhere you go — and everywhere that you, personally, can’t go.

Get your professional bio written today…by a professional.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.

How Our Team Writes
the Short Professional Bio

o write your short professional/executive bio, the team of writers at ProfessionalBios first gathers the biographical information needed for the bio. It culls, refines, orders, and combines that information into a smoothe, flowing, concise, readable story that captures the who and why behind you and your business/project/venture. This draft is then sent to you so that you can study it and make sure that it meets yourimage of star professional in the spotlight absolute approval. If any of it doesn’t meet your standards of excellence, then you return the bio to us for further editing and re-writing.
    Only when you absolutely love your bio is our job finished. Although we usually have a perfect bio completed by the second time around, if not the first, we don’t stop working on your bio until we get it right, 100% right. That’s why our clients are delighted with the bios they get from ProfessionalBios. (See some of our customer endorsements.)

Have the professionals at ProfessionalBios write your professional bio.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.

Tailor-Made Just For You!

he short bio we write for the executive, business owner, entrepreneur, professional, manager, administrator, rep, agent is never generic, never based on a template. image of star professional in the spotlightRather, it is unique. No other bio will be like your bio. Your bio captures the unique you in a unique document that you can confidently present to anyone, anywhere.

Let us compile a professional executive bio written specially for you or your business.
Click here to contact us about your bio needs.
Click here for ordering information.

What’s Your Profession?

ver the years, we’ve written lots of bios / biographies / profiles for professionals of all sorts, so much variety that together they could run just about any business that exists. Can you find your occupation in the following list? It’s not exhaustive by any means, but most of the people for whom we’ve written bios have fallen under at least one of these fields/professions:

Lawyers/attorneys/judges/legal, bookkeepers / accountants (CPAs), insurance agents, salesmen/sales, public relations/advertising agency/marketing directors, writers/authors, artists, musicians, singers, dancers, entertainers, managers/agents, IT techs/scientists, professors/teachers, academics/school administrators, public speakers, designers, cosmetologists/hair dressers, grocers, restaurant owners, firemen, doctors/medical/hospital administrators, paramedics/emergency services, police officers/military/security, sports promoters/athletic directors/coaches, librarians, museum curators, archivists, plumbers/heating and air condtioning specialists, carpenters, construction, business owners/entrepreneurs, etc.

At ProfessionalBios, our field is the unique specialty of short-bio writing within the field of writing, and we give our clients bios and profiles that are professionally written, reasonably priced, accurate, quick and dependable.


To talk to a Bio Specialist, call 757/515-4315
or use the Contact Form.


What We Do

We write the short bio or profile — a.k.a. work bio, business bio, personal profile — brief biographies for your business or personal use, for marketing, promoting, or just communicating with friends and family, or for applying for a new job; for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites as well as for your own websites, About pages, introductions, employee documentation, etc.

    A few of our bio specialties:

Artist Bios . We write bios for artists, photographers, designers, and other creative artists

Athlete Bios . We write athlete bios, coach bios, and bios for the sports industry

Author Bios . We write bios for authors, publishers, and others in the publishing field

Clergy Bios . We write bios for clergy of all religions and faiths

Doctor and Lawyer Bios . We write bios for doctors, nurses, lawyers, and others in the healthcare, medical and legal professions

Entertainer Bios . We write entertainer bios for actors, directors, producers, agents, etc. (in film, TV, theatre, and other performing arts)

Musician Bios . We write music bios for musicians, singers, composers, producers, etc. (for rock bands, rap artists, pop, piano, orchestra, opera, etc.)

Official Bios . We write bios for political and government officials and other civil servants as well as politicians running for public office

Police, Fire and Military Bios . We write police, fireman, and military bios and other bios for the security and emergency services professions

Professional Bios . We write bios for business executives and other professionals and entrepreneurs

Realtor Bios . We write realtor bios for real estate newbies, professionals and realty businesses

Teacher Bios . We write bios for teachers, professors, scholars, scientists, and other educators in the academic and scientific communities


To talk to a Bio Specialist right now about your bio
or to request us to write your bio…

call us toll-free (757/515-4315)
or use the Contact Form.